Overview Show Names
15. Memorial of the Jews of Vilno & vicinity
Memorial description: Memorial erected 1973 in memory of the Jews of Vilnius, Lithuania and vicinity who perished in the ghetto, concentration camps and partisan battles September 1943.
Vilna, Lithuania Died: Sep. 1943
Notes: Erected September 1973.

Left panel: In memory of the Jews of Vilno and vicinity who perished in the ghetto, concentration camps and partisan battles September 1943. Vilna and Vicinity Association Tishrei 5732 / September 1971.

Right panel: Remember. Dedicated in memory of the Jews of Vilna and vicinity who died in the ghetto, camps, and partisan battles. Elul 5703 / September 1943. [Poem by Chaim Grade]

Names: 364 lines
Record Report
A1 15 GPS
Stone: one-sided tall-wide black memorial with many names

Records shown: 1